poniedziałek, 21 marca 2016

Projekt „The portrait of the tree” - "Portret drzewa"

The project is referred to children and their interests in rhymes, fairy tales and pieces of music. The main aim of this project is to bring pupils in the world of poetry and music and enlarge students’ knowledge concerning ecology and species of trees. They will get to know 2 poems, 2 fairy tales and 2 pieces of music concerning trees (the most popular lyrics for children in their country). They will narrate, read and listen to them. Students will make some presentations of the above in the form of posters, drawings or dramas. Pupils will also create „ A Dictionary of Ecology” – a few simple words concerning ecology. During the project teachers will share ideas and experience. The project involves teachers who work with 6-11-year- old students, particularly: Infant, Art, Music, Science, ICT and Librarian teachers. This project is referred to European schools where children learn English as a foreign language, so they can communicate in English, but also in their native language.

 Projekt, w którym uczniowie poznają  popularne w swoim  kraju wiersze, baśnie,utwory muzyczne o tematyce drzew. Wcielają się w rolę bohaterów poznanych utworów i przedstawiają  drzewo w formie przestrzennej z materiałów ekologicznych.